Monday, October 14, 2013

Checking Out What is New

   I like to check out my favorite reviewers’ thoughts on other authors. Lo and behold, I came across another writer from Austria, also writing in English.
   “Oh my,” I thought, “I won’t read that stuff.
   Naturally, curiosity got the better of me (I am a woman, aren’t I). ‘That stuff,’ turned out to be not at all what I had so hastily surmised. Although, I expected that the author had to be a lot younger than I am...actually, it is just that I am somewhat, well – prissier (I really do try not to be).
   Instead, I found these short stories to be delicious, delightful and, admittedly spicy parodies and satires. In the end, I not only laughed out loud but talked to myself. No, I am not that dotty yet. It just felt so great to be brought out of my oh-so-earnest character for once.

  I am therefore not in the least bit hesitant (that’s understated for I am happy) to present my fellow author and lands-woman, and her clever spoofs on life, lust and love.

Ida Tornovski

   Ida has bundled three of her stories into a Boxed Set.


  1. Shared on Facebook and tweeted. This writer needs a lot more of her deserved attention!

  2. Christoph, it was your review that led me to Ida. I'll try not to be jealous. But I am sure she will appreciate the extra help.

  3. Thank you both for the extra plugs...I really do appreciate them. Regards, Ida
